July 24, 2011

Project Blogway: Cow girl + Shoe Challenge!

I think we can all agree that this weekend isn't great. First the massacre in Norway who caused the death of over 90 people, then Amy Winehouse who died... May they all find peace and rest.
I'm listening to Amy Winehouse at the moment, and although I wasn't really a fan, I liked her music and I think she was a great artist, despite her drug and alcohol problems. It's sad she didn't find the help she needed when she had such troubles.

To cheer me (& you) up, I wanted to share some photos of my latest Project Blogway entry, the theme was Cow Girl and I didn't really have much inspiration, but it did work out quite well if I may say so!

I was very lucky to have my boyfriend with me this week so he could take photos! I'm just lucky to have him of course, but I like someone else taking my photos, the self-timer always ruins all my pics.

Now, I was wearing shoes, and so this is my fourth Shoe Challenge. I hardly ever wear my Allstars in public, except for walking on holiday and uhm, cow girl outfits. So, to do it properly:

What: Red Converse All Stars
When: On holiday in Spain, and cow girl outfit: Friday, July 22nd, 2011
With: Blue trousers: New Look, checked skirt: H&M (my sister's), hat: bought on holiday in France (my dad's)

I'm way behind with the shoe challenges. I have of course worn shoes, but I never bother to take pictures, or I think my outfit isn't pretty or special enough to show you. I'm lucky that I own not more than 15 pairs of shoes, so doing a shoe challenge is way easier for me than for someone like Shoeperwoman herself! Still, I wish I had her shoe closet... I mean, just look at THAT. Are you drooling too?

Looking like a real cow girl, no? 

At the moment I'm waiting for my parents and sister to come home from holiday. I did my best cleaning up the mess I made and doing the dishes:

Whoooops. It's all gone now, I promise!

And remember the tajine I was making last time? 

I don't mean to brag, but it was delicious! Can't wait to make it again. If you understand Dutch, you can find the recipe here. I did multiple the amount of spices, it really makes the tajine even more tasty!

Hope you have a great Sunday (or what's left of it)!
Siel x