- Stepping outside the door and discovering someone threw up right next to my front door. Twice.
- Dropping my keys and flashing the entire street while the wind blows my skirt over my head.
- Going swimming and an old grey ponytailed guy touched my ass.
- In the same swimming pool: trying to open my locker for about 20 minutes, while being watched and laughed at by almost half the pool.
- Riding home from the swimming pool and flashing my underwear AGAIN. This is becoming my habit!
- Get up at 7.30 am for class on a Friday morning, couldn't find the class room and had to ask someone, who pointed out that I was practically standing next to the room I was looking for. D'OH
- Arabic oral class: time for iPad, facebook, gossip and cookies instead of practising verbs!
- Cooking for my friends and them saying it was the best meal they had in months.
- Reading the Arabic online newspaper everyday and understanding more and more of it!
- Finally booking our trip to Paris in this amazing apartment.
- Spending the afternoon with Mad Men and chocolate cookies. Yeah, again.
- Hearing that we get the chance to go on Erasmus next year. Spain, here I come!
- So many people commenting how good I looked with that red River Island dress. Your comments make my day!<3
- Taking goofy webcam pictures with the boyfriend.
- Changing my blogname & url into Shoes and Polka Dots in a few days, shorter and easier!
- Finding the perfect red pumps!
- New poster I bought for my room:

Hope you have a great weekend! Mine will be all about catching up on sleep, studying and blogging :)
Siel xo