One date was marked in my diary for over a month: Friday, September 28, the first edition of Antwerp Fashion Night! And what an incredible day it was. After some trouble with the train, Hanna and I arrived in Antwerp for the press event and the pre-party at La FĂȘte des Belges including cupcakes, bubbles and hair & nailstyling! We met up with Steffi (whom we met before at the Public Image event), got our hair and nails done and talked A LOT :D
Hanna's awesome necklace! |
After a small shopping trip on the Meir (hello Forever21 & River Island!), we arrived at the Bloggers Closet Sale: 10 bloggers selling their clothes, what's not to like? I ended up with a mustard sweater that I'll show you soon! I loved seeing Annebeth again, and meeting her sister Naomi and Sabina for the first time!
The first floor was reserved for Julia and her mother who represent her brand new online jewellery store Just Julia. She selects and sells handmade jewellery from all over the world. That way she is giving people the opportunity to wear something unique that will really make you stand out. As much as I love H&M and F21 for their accessories, I was really drawn to Just Julia's pieces, especially the 'Chic' and 'Classic' collection. Ok, you'll be paying a bit more than when you would shop in the highstreet stores, but you'll be wearing something special without seeing 20 other people wearing the same (H&M neon necklace, anyone??). Be sure to check out her webshop!
We got these adorable earrings as a gift, thanks Julia! |
Essentiel |
New Paris Londres |
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(Photo from Hanna) |
Pinko |
I love you too, Pinko! My wallet doesn't ;) |
Gant |
Steffi looking pretty! |
The restaurant looks very welcoming, the food was delicious and the prices are reasonable, what more do you want? They even deliver it to your door for free! I already know where I'll be eating next time I'm in Antwerp...
We ended in style at the exclusive afterparty at Magic, where I danced my ass off together with my boyfriend, Hanna and some of her friends. A great ending to an amazing day <3 span="" style="font-family: Georgia, Times New Roman, serif;">
Thank you Marnix and Ally PR for inviting us to the press event and the afterparty and a huge thank you to Knack Weekend and all the sponsors for organising this wonderful day! I had a blast. xo
PS: My outfit of the day is coming soon! Although you can see a bit what I was wearing in this post too :)