If you follow me on facebook (and you totally should!), you have already seen me posting about these awesome leggings I scored at H&M. I have never really been into leggings, I always thought they made my ass look weird. BUT Lana Del Rey looking amazing in those H&M ads that are showing up everywhere won me over! Of course I wanted to give these leggings the attention they deserve so I decided to wear them just as pants. SHOCK
Ok, I admit I hav frowned at people wearing leggings without covering their ass in the past, but I'm totally getting it now. In fact, I've been wearing them constantly since I bought them, they're so soft! Go get yourself a pair at H&M, only 9.95 euros!
I'm wearing: H&M leggings & sunglasses, Zara sweater, New Look leather jacket and shoes |
I actually wanted to wear these boots instead of these shoes, but I didn't have them at my room and I really wanted to take pictures yesterday so old flats it is! Gotta take the chance of wearing my summer shoes while I still can.
PS: Totally gratuitous goofy picture of me (for every normal photo I take there's a hundred of these):