Decided to try my version of the Alexander Wang shirt: unbuttoned and with a little peek at my non-existing abs (work in progress, as they say). I went for ripped jeans and heels to avoid giving the impression that I literally just rolled out of bed with my pyjama's on (like the original look) and also because I have to get used to wearing heels again. I only managed to hold onto that thought for a couple of days, as will be shown next week by a recent purchase of eh, Birkenstocks. Yes.
The verdict: it's nice to have a little breeze in the boob area for a change, but I prefer my shirts buttoned with a little (if any...) cleavage. Next!
Also, must remember to pull up jeans before taking pictures. Underwear on display is so 2000s...
I'm wearing: GAP shirt (thrifted) | H&M jeans (very old - children's size! & DIY'ed by me) | Daisy Street heels