April 21, 2012

Redder than red

I love my natural red hair colour, but lately it started to look a little faded, not totally red anymore. So I finally decided to use that henna I bought a few months ago in the exotic supermarket:

There were several shades available, I got the 'burning red' variant for natural redheads, but if you're brown-haired for example you can use a darker shade, so that your hair has an auburn or red-ish shine. 
What you need:

Gloves! Very important unless you want your hands to turn out orange. Of course henna can be used on the body too (like this) but I didn't want to walk around with yellow/orange hands for weeks! I did spill a little henna on my arm and feet so there's a little orange spot but luckily not too noticeable.

This is what the henna looks like:

It's green! I expected it to be brown or orange-ish actually. Just pour the henna in a bowl, add hot water and mix it until you get a sort of green-brown mud. Attractive!
I didn't take any more pictures from this point on, because my hands were covered in mud and so was the bathroom, haha :)
Quick before-picture:

Once you've covered all your hair with the henna mud, put on a shower cap or anything that will prevent you or your house being covered in mud too. 

So attractive.

The manual said to leave it in for half an hour for a light colour and one hours tops for intense colouring, but I didn't want to risk my hair turning orange, so I left it on for 30 minutes. Meanwhile, you can check your blog or do other higly important stuff:

(I didn't actually paint my nails, though: I kept checking in the mirror if I wasn't getting any henna on my forehead or something.)

Anyway, after half an hour, I took a shower, rinced the henna out and washed it like I normally do. This is how it looked when I got out of the shower:

Looks promising, no? Also, yes: this is me without any make-up, yay!
After blow-drying my hair, it looked like this:

Is it red or what?! I'm so glad it's not orange, it's redder than before but still quite natural, no?
Of course I had to wear green, THE colour for redheads:

I'm in love!

If you're interested in colouring your hair with henna, I made a list of pros and cons:
- It's cheap: I paid about 1.50 euros for my package,
- You can do it at home: no need to go to the hairdresser's!
- It's a natural product, so your hair won't be damaged,
- It's temporary: the colour fades so if it turned out too red, after a few weeks it will have toned down.

- It's quite a hassle: my bathtub was covered with mud splashes, same for my face, ears, hands, arms and feet. If you don't wash it off quickly you turn orange!
- The smell: at first I was put off by the strong and quite weird smell, but you don't smell it anymore when you have washed your hair, so that's not really a con.

Hope you liked this sort of DIY tutorial! 

PS: Just found out there is a song called 'Redder than red', haha! Listen here