January 28, 2014

Jerusalem round 2

I was lucky to go back to Jerusalem around New Year's with my parents, after falling in love with the city on my first visit in November. I'll just say this: It's a good thing I joined the gym when I got back in Amman after 3 days of food overload! We rented an apartment close to the Mahane Yehuda market where we bought our breakfast everyday: fresh pastries, fruits, yogurt, cheese etc. Oh the things I'do do for one of those cinnamon frosted buns. We celebrated NYE by going to a lovely restaurant and indulging in several courses of yummy food (I see a pattern here...) I didn't take as many pictures as the last time cause obviously I'd seen most of the city already, although this still means around 400 pictures I had to work my way through - whoops. Hope you enjoy!