May 18, 2012

Weekly favourites #1

I spend way too much time on the internet, reading blogs and looking at pretty pictures (pinterest!), so I decided to introduce this (hopefully) weekly feature in which I'll share what I liked the past week.  Curious to this week's favourites? Here you go! 

Charlotte from Girl Next Door Fashion looking gorgeous in her swan trousers:

Renée from The Blonde Muse presents her guide to help you get ready for summer;

These loafers are very high on my wishlist right now (from Steve Madden, picture found here):

Valentine is back from her trip to New York and spoils us with amazing pictures of the city:

Fashion is a playground: a blog I discovered this week but I'm madly in love already: Great outfits and photography:

This site cracks me up. One of my favourites:
When I'm waiting for food to be delivered, and I hear my doorbell ring:

This girl (found at Topshop tumblr) for her great turban look:

And this recipe for a delicious-looking lasagne that I'll hopefully try out soon!

Have a lovely (and hopefully sunny) weekend!