August 24, 2011


Hi folks! I intended to take pictures for Project Blogway today, but it rained almost all day so that'll have to wait. (Hope I'm still in the running, btw. I need some votes! Like Project Blogway on facebook and like my photo! Thanks!) Instead, I have some random photos I took with my new Blackberry (my baby, as I call it), hope you like it!

I did something crazy with my hair, inspired by Amber's 'Gigantic Messy Bun Head' tutorial. Kinda liked the result though! Don't mind my crazy face :)
(Yes, you can see how I took my picture in the mirror, whoops)
OnSaturday I wen to a sort of street feast in Kortrijk, not far from where I live. There were Brazilian samba dancers and salsa music and OMG the weather was hot and sunny!
Nailpolish & dress I was wearing.
I love white wine. After three or four glasses, I switch to funny mode, suddenly everything seems utterly hilarious, SUCH FUN
(Note: I wasn't drunk. That glass fell off the table just by itself, I swear. Ahem)
Waiting for the train, wearing flats!!! ( = unicum in my life) Result: 4 blisters. I guess I'm back to wearing heels all the time?
My mum bought me this little poster for my room. If I ever buy a car, I want this one.
I went to Antwerp yesterday and the Forever 21 store is almost opening! Can't wait.
We also went for sushi! Can't get enough of those yummie sushi & sashimi rolls. I didn't like those green beans (on the right), they just tasted like... stupid beans? Don't know what the fuss is about.
Glad my boyfriend liked them.
Some of my shoes. I like having them exposed in my room, so I can look at them from time to time. And stroke them. Ahem.
Thinking of making this (Chicken korma). It looks yummie but you need a lot of spices that I don't have! It's from Jamie Oliver's 'Ministry of Food' book, I love it. I may have a little celebrity crush on Jamie ö
Last photo: Nothing special, just reading the newspaper... :D

Do you like this kind of posts? Next time I'll show you some more outfits, I've been feeling kinda inspirational these days! 

Siel xo